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Hampton Roads Student Gallery Finalists to be Displayed at the Chrysler
NORFOLK, Va. – (January 2011) – The 38th Hampton Roads Student Gallery, presented by the Art Institute of Virginia Beach, is an art competition open to all 11th- and 12th-grade students in the region. Students may submit one work of art for judging by February 5th, and winning selections are made by a jury of three independent professionals in the arts. More information may be found at www.facebook.com/studentgallery.
Finalist art pieces will be on display at the Chrysler Museum of Art February 9 to March 2, and honoree pieces will be on display at the Contemporary Art Center of Virginia February 9 to 27. All other submissions will be on display at the Selden Arcade February 5 to 18. Cash prizes are awarded, and the top prize is a $1,000. The 2nd place prize is $500, and the 3rd place winner receives $300. Three works of art will also be selected for honorable mention and prizes of $100 each.
The Chrysler Museum of Art is one of America’s most distinguished mid-sized art museums with a world-class collection of more than 30,000 objects, including one of the great glass collections in America. The Museum is located at 245 West Olney Road in Norfolk and is open Wednesdays, 10 a.m. -9 p.m.; Thursdays-Saturdays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., and Sundays, noon-5 p.m. The Chrysler is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, as well as major holidays. Admission to the Museum’s collection is free. Special exhibitions may have an admission fee. For exhibitions, programming and special events, visit chrysler.org or call 757-664-6200.