With an extensive collection of more than 300,000 rare and unique volumes relating to the history of art, the Jean Outland Chrysler Library is one of the most significant art libraries in the South.
- Open today, 10 am to 5 pm.
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Jean Outland Chrysler Library
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Please schedule your visit in advance by emailing us or calling (757) 664-6205
Explore the Catalog
The Library is a unique resource that offers scholarly support to curators, educators, docents, students, dealers, and people throughout the Hampton Roads community and beyond.
Search the libraryServices Offered
-Reference services
-Assistance with research on art history, individual artists, works in the Chrysler Museum collection, auction and exhibition histories, archival research
-Locating works of art in museum collections
We cannot:
-Authenticate or appraise artwork.
Please see our list of recommended authenticators and appraisers.
-Circulate books
-Interlibrary Loan
We happily accept donations of books that relate to art and local history. If you are interested in donating, please get in touch with the librarian via e-mail or at (757) 664-6205. At the end of the calendar year, you will receive a thank you letter with an itemized list of donations.
Unless otherwise requested by the donor, donated books that are not added to the library collection will be included in the annual used book sale to raise funds for future book purchases.
The Library is a unique resource that offers scholarly support to curators, educators, docents, students, dealers, and people throughout the Hampton Roads community.
“This library was a product of Jean’s incredible love for books and art. It’s one of her greatest legacies.”
Louise Outland Smith