- Open today, 10 am to 5 pm.
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In The Box: Saya Woolfalk
November 20, 2014 — May 31, 2015
Past Exhibition

ChimaTEK Life Products
Step into a trade show for a new species of hybrid, cloned humans. Step into a new world created by the highly lauded New York City artist Saya Woolfalk. Using multimedia and mixed-media creations, Woolfalk creates The Empathics, a group of women who have perfected a way to clone a new species that’s half-human, half-plant.

This is an art installation in three parts. There’s a video for ChimaTEK, the company the Empathics founded for the creation of their Life Products line. There’s a Hybridization Machine for at-home use that allows users to remix themselves in new ways, and there’s a Combustion Chamber for a mysterious fuel behind the conversions of humans to chimera. The Combustion Chamber was created to Woolfalk’s specifications by the Chrysler Museum Glass Studio.
Woolfalk’s work evokes questions ranging from the formation of personal identity to humankind’s exploitation of the natural world for profit. It’s a hallucinogenic vision of the intersection of technology and utopian dreams that defies simple categorization.
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