- Open today, 10 am to 5 pm. Closed on Christmas and New Years Day.
- Parking & Directions
- Free Admission
Book & Look returns with Oaxaca,1998 by Donley Watt as we explore themes of self-expression and identity through art in tandem with the exhibition Oaxaca Central: Contemporary Mexican Printmaking.
Watt drew from his own experiences of living in Oaxaca when writing this novel, which follows Maggie O’Neill, an American amateur photographer who seeks to start anew in Mexico. There, she enrolls in a watercolor class in Oaxaca taught by a visiting artist from Texas.
Discussions will center around the different artistic mediums of watercolor and printmaking and how both have been used in personal and public expression. Light refreshments will be served in the Jean Outland Chrysler Library Reading Room.
Free, registration not required.